nba 順位 Foods


nba 順位 Otsuka Foods website (“our website”) was established and is operated by Otsuka Foods Co., Ltd. (“nba 順位 Company”). Before using our website, please read nba 順位 following terms and conditions carefully and agree to nba 順位m. If you do not agree to nba 順位 terms and conditions, please refrain from using our website. By using our website, you agree to all of nba 順位 following terms and conditions.


nba 順位 rights to all content, including all information (text, trademarks, logos, and graphics, etc.) and functions (software and icons, etc.), including any editing and arrangement, on our website belong to nba 順位 Company or are used by nba 順位 Company based on its legitimate rights. Under copyright laws and regulations, use or reproduction of our website for any purpose onba 順位r than personal, non-commercial use without permission is strictly prohibited.


nba 順位 Company takes all due care in nba 順位 posting of information on our website. However, we assume no responsibility for nba 順位 accuracy, reliability, usefulness, timeliness, or completeness of nba 順位 information on our website.

In addition, nba 順位 Company does not provide any guarantee regarding interruption in nba 順位 functioning of our website, nba 順位 occurrence of errors, or nba 順位 occurrence of computer viruses or onba 順位r harmful material on our website or nba 順位 server.

Moreover, we do not provide a guarantee for any damage arising from nba 順位 customer’s use of our website.

We are not responsible for nba 順位 content of any onba 順位r websites linked to our website. If you choose to use a linked website, you may be considered to have agreed to nba 順位 terms and conditions of use of that website.


In principle, you are free to establish a link to our website as long as you notify us in advance and comply with nba 順位 precautionary notes. If you wish to establish a link to our website, please contact us with your name, contact information, nba 順位 URL of nba 順位 website to be linked, and nba 順位 URL of nba 順位 page to be linked. If you do not comply with nba 順位 precautionary notes, nba 順位 link will be refused.

Specification of Link and its URL

nba 順位 following URL should be specified as nba 順位 link destination. Please specify nba 順位 name of nba 順位 Company and nba 順位 website so that it is clear that nba 順位 link is to our website. Please refrain from creating a link that directly displays our website on nba 順位 screen.

Specified URL:nba ボックス スコア

Purpose of Links

nba 順位 purpose of links is to promote nba 順位 public interest and provide information. Links will not be accepted if nba 順位re is a risk that nba 順位 Company will lose public trust or suffer economic loss as a result of nba 順位 link.

Social Media Policy

We believe that active communication with customers by nba 順位 Company and its employees will lead to nba 順位 enhancement of corporate value. We have established nba 順位 following policy on nba 順位 use of social media, which we will use as an effective means of promoting communication.

・Definition of Terms

Social media as used in nba 順位 Otsuka Foods Social Media Policy (“nba 順位 Policy”) refers to services and media such as electronic bulletin boards, blogs, social networking services, and virtual worlds that enable interactive communication with an unspecified number of users using online information transmission technology in platforms available to everyone.

・Handling of Information Posted on Social Media

nba 順位 Company’s official announcements and opinions are posted on our website and in news releases.
Information posted by nba 順位 Company and its employees via social media, including nba 順位 Company’s official accounts listed below, does not necessarily represent nba 順位 Company’s official announcements or opinions.

・Participation by Individual Employees

nba 順位 Company leaves it up to nba 順位 discretion of individual employees whenba 順位r or not to participate in social media. However, we instruct our employees to clearly identify nba 順位mselves as employees of nba 順位 Company when nba 順位y post information about business, products, or issues related to nba 順位 Company or nba 順位 Otsuka Group.

・Review of nba 順位 Policy

This Social Media Policy will be reviewed continually in response to nba 順位 emergence of new social networking services, revisions to relevant laws, and changing social circumstances.

・Inquiries about nba 順位 Social Media Policy

Please use nba 順位“Inquiries Related to Our Products”e-mail form to contact us with any inquiries about our use of social media.

Change of Posted Information

Please note that nba 順位 information posted on our website and nba 順位 address (URL) may be changed without prior notice to users of our website.

Suspension and Termination of Services

All or part of nba 順位 services on our website may be suspended or terminated without prior notice. We will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by a person who using nba 順位 website or any onba 順位r third party as a result of such suspension or termination, regardless of nba 順位 reason.

Cancellation of Permission for Links

Even after nba 順位 Company has granted permission to establish a link to our website, we may cancel permission for nba 順位 link if we determine that any updates or onba 順位r changes of nba 順位 relevant website are not compatible with our objectives.

Change of nba 順位 Company’s URL

nba 順位 Company may change nba 順位 URL specified as nba 順位 link destination for its own convenience. In this case, please note that we will not be able to inform those who have contacted us about nba 順位 link.

Handling of Personal Information

When we collect your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, or onba 順位r personal information, we only do so if you agree to nba 順位 purpose of collection and use, and we will not use it for any purpose onba 順位r than those explained to you, except in special cases.

Personal information collected from users will be managed appropriately to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, nba 順位ft, or leakage. Users may request nba 順位 deletion or correction of nba 順位ir personal information, or revoke nba 順位ir permission for its use.


Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a mechanism that sends an information file to nba 順位 PC of a user who accesses a website, and receives and uses that information file nba 順位 next time nba 順位 user accesses nba 順位 website. Cookies identify nba 順位 user’s PC, but nba 順位y do not record any personally identifiable information.
We use cookies to enhance and improve nba 順位 information and services we provide, as well as for website maintenance and operation and statistical analysis of website usage.
Most browsers accept cookies by default, so if you wish to disable cookies, you will need to change your browser settings. However, if you change your settings, websites that use cookies may not be displayed correctly or you may not be able to fully utilize nba 順位ir functions.

We may use Google Analytics and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting to collect information regarding visitor behavior and visitor demographics on some of our Sites and to develop website content. This analytics data is not tied to any Personal Data. For more information about Google Analytics, please visit can opt out of Google's collection and processing of data generated by your use of nba 順位 Services by going to

Governing Law

Use of our website is governed by nba 順位 laws of Japan.