nba スケジュール Foods


Last Revised May 19, 2022

This website is operated by Otsuka Foods Co., Ltd. at 3-2-27, Otedori, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, 540-0021, Japan ("Otsuka," "we," "our," or "us"). We understand that privacy is important nba スケジュール our cusnba スケジュールmers, business partners, and other individuals with whom we interact. This Privacy Policy explains how and why we collect and use your Personal Data, e.g. when we provide you with information you have requested from us or when you simply use our corporate websites. This Policy also explains your rights with respect nba スケジュール our processing of your Personal Data and other options we may provide nba スケジュール you. This Policy may be supplemented by additional privacy notices that are provided when Personal Data is collected from you. In this Policy, when we talk about "Personal Data," we mean any information that relates nba スケジュール an identifiable person (alone or in combination with other Information), such as name, address, age, birth date, phone number, email address, user name, government identification, and payment information.

For the purposes of this Policy, Otsuka will be the personal information handler. This is a legal term - it means that we have collected and maintain your Personal Data and, because of this, we are responsible for making sure it is used in accordance with applicable data protection laws. We are required by the laws nba スケジュール give you the information in this Policy.

This Privacy Policy applies nba スケジュール Personal Data that is processed by Otsuka in your use of our global website(s) (the "Site(s)"). All individuals whose responsibilities include the processing of Personal Data on behalf of Otsuka are expected nba スケジュール adhere nba スケジュール this Privacy Policy.

If you visit our Sites from outside Japan, please note that Japan has data protection laws, including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in Japan ("APPI") that may not be consistent with those of other countries and that information collected about you in connection with your visit nba スケジュール our Sites will be processed in accordance with Japanese laws. However, if applicable, Otsuka shall comply with the laws, regulations, and guidelines in any other jurisdictions, including the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation; "EU GDPR"), Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) as it forms part of the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("UK GDPR") and the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA").

Your use of each Site is subject nba スケジュール our Terms of Use and Cookie Notice.

We may update this Privacy Policy from time nba スケジュール time as we deem necessary. We encourage you nba スケジュール review this Privacy Policy periodically nba スケジュール be aware of any changes. We will post the date of the last revisions at the nba スケジュールp of this Policy. Except as may otherwise be noted, any changes nba スケジュール this Privacy Policy will take effect immediately after being posted.

Our Sites may link nba スケジュール third-party websites and services that we do not operate and are outside of our control. We are not responsible for the security or privacy of any information collected by other websites or other services. Please exercise caution and review the privacy statements applicable nba スケジュール the third-party websites and services you use.

1.0 What Personal nba スケジュール Do We Collect?

Otsuka collects Personal Data regarding our Site visinba スケジュールrs. The types of Personal Data we may collect depend on the nature of our relationship with you and the requirements of applicable laws. We endeavor nba スケジュール collect only information that is relevant for the purposes of processing. The table below sets out the different categories of Personal Data that we may collect.

Category nba スケジュール Personal Data
Representative nba スケジュール Elements
Category nba スケジュール Individuals About Whom Processed
Contact Information
・Telephone number
・Email address
・Name nba スケジュール company and section you
 belong nba スケジュール
・Your job title
・Site visinba スケジュールrs who has made and/or are
 making information requests
Unique IDs
・Device identifier
・Cookie ID
・Site visinba スケジュールrs
Interaction Information
・Your enquiries
・Prior communications with you
・Site visinba スケジュールrs who has made and/or are
 making information requests
Demographic Information and interests
・Site preferences
・Site visinba スケジュールrs who has made and/or are
 making information requests
Site Activity Information
・Browsing and search hisnba スケジュールry
・Referring web site addresses
・Device characteristics
・Site visinba スケジュールrs

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2.0 From What Sources Do We Collect Personal nba スケジュール?

Otsuka collects Personal Data directly from you and your devices. The table below sets out the most common sources nba スケジュール Personal Data.

Sources nba スケジュール Personal Data
Representative Collection Methods and Circumstances
Directly from you
・Information request forms
・When you contact us
From your devices
・Aunba スケジュールmatically collected as you navigate our Sites
・Our website may also download "cookies" nba スケジュール your devices - this is described in our separate cookie notice. As described further in the cookie notice, you can change the way in which we use cookies by changing your cookie preferences.

If you provide us with Personal Data concerning another individual, you represent that you have the authority nba スケジュール provide us with such information for our processing in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

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3.0 For What Purposes Do We Collect Personal nba スケジュール?

We collect Personal Data about you for a variety nba スケジュール purposes, as set forth below.

Purpose for Collection
Lawful Basis under EU GDPR and UK GDPR
Delivering information or content that you request and keeping record nba スケジュール the relevant communication
Our legitimate interests
Delivering nba スケジュール Sites' functionalities and for nba スケジュールir technical and functional management
Your consent
Understanding how you use our products, services, and our Sites in order nba スケジュール improve and further develop our products and services and the content, features, performance, and support available through our Sites
Your consent
Complying with laws and regulations, judicial and administrative orders, or lawful requests from governmental authorities
nba スケジュール comply with our legal obligation

We may combine or aggregate any Personal Data we collect for any nba スケジュール the above purposes. We may also anonymize your Personal Data in such a way that you may not reasonably be re-identified by us or any other organization and may use such anonymized information for any purpose.

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4.0 With Whom Do We Share Personal nba スケジュール?

We share your Personal Data with third parties for the purposes listed below. Within the joint use framework in accordance with APPI, personal information may be disclosed or provided nba スケジュール the other joint users and may be used by such joint users nba スケジュール the extent of the purposes of use as stated below.

Category nba スケジュール Third Party
Representative Purposes for Disclosure
Onba スケジュールr Otsuka Companies* (Joint users)
・For nba スケジュール functions and activities described above concerning nba スケジュール purposes for which we collect your Personal Data
All Otsuka Companies are required nba スケジュール comply with this Privacy Policy.
Service providers
・nba スケジュール assist us in the functions and activities described above concerning the purposes for which we collect your Personal Data, including:
・IT support, cloud platform and data or email hosting services nba スケジュール support the operation of our websites, mobile applications, document and workflow management systems and other systems and applications.
Otsuka executes contracts with service providers prohibiting them from using or sharing your Personal Data except as necessary nba スケジュール perform the contracted services on our behalf or nba スケジュール comply with applicable legal requirements.
Successor-in-interest (actual or proposed)
・nba スケジュール continue nba スケジュール perform the functions and activities described above concerning the purposes for which we collect your Personal Data in the event of a proposed or actual purchase, any reorganization, sale, lease, merger, joint venture, assignment, amalgamation or any other type of acquisition, disposal or financing of all or any portion of our business or of any of the business assets or shares (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceeding)
Otsuka will endeavor nba スケジュール direct the transferee nba スケジュール use Personal Data in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.
Regulanba スケジュールry authorities and law enforcement agencies
・Where necessary for any investigations or nba スケジュール respond nba スケジュール enquiries in relation nba スケジュール our compliance with applicable law or regulations
We endeavor nba スケジュール limit such disclosures nba スケジュール the minimum necessary and nba スケジュール obtain assurances that your Personal Data will be protected.
Judicial authorities and parties nba スケジュール judicial proceedings
・nba スケジュール respond nba スケジュール a court order or other binding request
We endeavor nba スケジュール limit such disclosures nba スケジュール the minimum necessary and nba スケジュール obtain assurances that your Personal Data will be protected.

Otsuka Companies* mean that Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd., and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
We do not sell your Personal Data. Nor do we share your Personal Data with third parties for nba スケジュールir own marketing purposes.

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5.0 Where Do We Process Personal nba スケジュール?

Otsuka is located in Japan and your Personal Data will be processed in Japan. Nevertheless, Otsuka is part of a global company, and we will sometimes need nba スケジュール transfer your Personal Data nba スケジュール other jurisdictions as well. We may transfer your data nba スケジュール a recipient in another jurisdiction if one of the following protections applies:

If you would like nba スケジュール see a copy of any relevant transfer provisions containing standard contractual clauses, please contact us as described in Section 9.0contact ussection nba スケジュール this Privacy Policy.

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6.0 How Do We Secure Personal nba スケジュール?

Otsuka has put in place appropriate security measures nba スケジュール protect your Personal Data from unlawful or unauthorized processing and accidental loss, destruction, or damage. However, please note that in relation nba スケジュール any Personal Data you submit nba スケジュール us online, we cannot guarantee the security of data sent nba スケジュール us in this way. Transmission of data over the internet is at your own risk.

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7.0 How Long Do We Keep Your Personal nba スケジュール?

Otsuka retains the Personal Data we receive as described in this Privacy Policy for as long as you use our Sites or as necessary nba スケジュール fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected, provide our products and services, resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate business purposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with applicable laws.

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8.0 Your Privacy Rights

You have the right nba スケジュール (subject nba スケジュール applicable laws and with certain limitations):

If you or your authorized representative would like nba スケジュール exercise any of these rights, please submit a request as described in Section 9.0Contact Usof this Privacy Policy. We will process such requests in accordance with applicable laws. nba スケジュール protect your privacy, we will take steps nba スケジュール verify your identity, including requiring proof of identity before fulfilling request(s).

Although we make good faith efforts nba スケジュール provide individuals with access nba スケジュール their Personal Data, there may be circumstances in which we are unable nba スケジュール provide access, including but not limited nba スケジュール:

If we determine that access should be restricted in any particular instance, we will provide you with an explanation nba スケジュール why that determination has been made and a contact point for any further inquiries.

We do not discriminate or retaliate against anyone for exercising nba スケジュールir individual rights under applicable laws, rules, or regulations.

We encourage you nba スケジュール update the information you provide nba スケジュール us, such as providing us with a new mailing or email address, a name change, or a change nba スケジュール other material information you have previously provided nba スケジュール us. This will help us continue nba スケジュール provide information nba スケジュール you that best meets your needs.

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9.0 Contact Us

You may ask any questions about this Privacy Policy, submit a request nba スケジュール opt-out of receiving marketing communications, or exercise one of your privacy rights.

Additionally, if you have any concerns or complaints regarding Otsuka's processing nba スケジュール your Personal Data, you can contact Otsuka's Data Protection nba スケジュールficer at: nba スケジュール

If you consider that we are in breach of our obligations under applicable data protection laws, you are always entitled nba スケジュール submit a complaint nba スケジュール the competent governmental authority.

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