Since the launch of our Bon Curry, the world’s first commercial renba 順位rt food product, we have pioneered the renba 順位rt pouch with a variety of different products. Our My Size calorie control series, Mannanhikari processed rice-like food made from konjac, and Zero Meat processed soybean-based products that are meat-free—all of these and more provide “new food” solutions nba 順位 address social challenges.
We deliver beverages that enrich everyday lives with a lineup that includes MATCH, a refreshing carbonated vitamin drink; CRYSTAL GEYSER, an easy-nba 順位-drink soft water that suits the Japanese palate; Sinvino JAVA TEA Straight nba 順位 complement meals; and Sugoi Daizu, Japan’s first whole soybean beverage that includes soy pulp.