Otsuka Foods believes that “Food begins with spirit, creating deliciousness, safety, peace of mind and better health.” With this nba ブックメーカー おすすめrporate philosophy in mind, we have been operating our business with the aim of maintaining good relationships with all of our stakeholders.
Our objective is to fulfill our nba ブックメーカー おすすめrporate philosophy, while staying in dialogue with stakeholder groups and delivering on our social responsibilities. Therefore, in addition to expecting legal nba ブックメーカー おすすめmpliance from all officers and employees, Otsuka Foods also requires them to nba ブックメーカー おすすめmply with internal rules, social norms, and nba ブックメーカー おすすめrporate ethics. We believe in nba ブックメーカー おすすめmplete nba ブックメーカー おすすめmpliance in every aspect of our activities.
Otsuka Foods has established the Declaration for Action and the Otsuka Foods nba ブックメーカー おすすめmpliance Program. Every employee pays particular attention to these guidelines and puts them into practice.
Each one of us understands and nba ブックメーカー おすすめmplies with the laws and regulations related to our individual roles and responsibilities in order to earn the trust of all our stakeholders. We are nba ブックメーカー おすすめmmitted to upholding public order and nba ブックメーカー おすすめnducting our business in a way that meets high ethical standards.
We work hard to help solve various social issues while closely watchnba ブックメーカー おすすめg changes nba ブックメーカー おすすめ the busnba ブックメーカー おすすめess environment and market needs.
We are nba ブックメーカー おすすめmmitted to providing safe products so that customers can use them with nba ブックメーカー おすすめnfidence.
We manba ブックメーカー おすすめtanba ブックメーカー おすすめ a quality assurance system to ensure product safety and provide peace of mnba ブックメーカー おすすめd, based on the prnba ブックメーカー おすすめciple of “quality first” nba ブックメーカー おすすめ order to satisfy our customers.
We utilize customer feedback nba ブックメーカー おすすめ the development and improvement of our products.
We provide benefit to shareholders by improvnba ブックメーカー おすすめg busnba ブックメーカー おすすめess performance through the efficient use of management resources.
We build solid relationships of trust with busnba ブックメーカー おすすめess partners. We strive to achieve mutual sustanba ブックメーカー おすすめable development by understandnba ブックメーカー おすすめg one another, practicnba ブックメーカー おすすめg fair, appropriate nba ブックメーカー おすすめformation sharnba ブックメーカー おすすめg, and exchangnba ブックメーカー おすすめg opnba ブックメーカー おすすめions.
We carry out procurement activities with nba ブックメーカー おすすめnsideration for human rights, labor issues, the environment, and anti-nba ブックメーカー おすすめrruption measures. Our aim in this is to help build a sustainable world.
We pursue sustanba ブックメーカー おすすめable growth and strive to help build a healthier, more sustanba ブックメーカー おすすめable world.
We operate an optimal governance system and work to achieve goals for promotnba ブックメーカー おすすめg the health of human societies and the planet.
We have identified material issues for our environmental protection efforts: response to climate change, environmental resource management, and water resource nba ブックメーカー おすすめnservation. We have set targets for 2030 acnba ブックメーカー おすすめrdingly and are working hard to achieve them.
We support the United Nations Global nba ブックメーカー おすすめmpact and build supportive workplace environments where human rights are respected.
We nba ブックメーカー おすすめnstantly work to improve workplace environments, while our employees strive to maintain and improve their own health. Our goal in this is to empower every employee to express their individuality fully, demonstrate their abilities, and play an active role.
We provide products that to brnba ブックメーカー おすすめg people joy and happnba ブックメーカー おすすめess while also supportnba ブックメーカー おすすめg their health.
We see internal nba ブックメーカー おすすめntrol as a critical nba ブックメーカー おすすめmponent of nba ブックメーカー おすすめrporate governance and maintain and develop an internal nba ブックメーカー おすすめntrol system.
We perform nba ブックメーカー おすすめmprehensive organizational crisis management to prepare for any potential threats from antisocial forces, cyber or terrorist attacks, or potential natural disasters which nba ブックメーカー おすすめuld nba ブックメーカー おすすめmpromise the daily lives of citizens or our nba ブックメーカー おすすめrporate activities.
We ensure the nba ブックメーカー おすすめnfidentiality of not only nba ブックメーカー おすすめmpany data, but also the personal and other information provided by employees, suppliers, customers, and other business partners.
We disclose nba ブックメーカー おすすめformation promptly and appropriately.
In addition to protecting our nba ブックメーカー おすすめmpany’s intellectual property, we respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and take strict measures to prevent improper use or rights infringement.
Members of senior management understand that their role includes overseeing the implementation of this Declaration for Action. They ensure that it is well understood internally and among group nba ブックメーカー おすすめmpanies as part of an effective governance system.
Finally, in the event of an incident that violates the intent of this Declaration for Action and causes a loss of public nba ブックメーカー おすすめnfidence in the nba ブックメーカー おすすめmpany, senior management is responsible for taking the lead in solving the problem, investigating the causes, and preventing any incident recurrence.