
Snba シーズンrch

Basic Policy to Ensure Customer Satisfaction

Food begins with spirit, creating deliciousness, safety, peace of mind and better health. Based on this philosophy, Otsuka Foods actively seeks out the opinions of its customers. While innba シーズンrporating their feedback into management decisions, we nba シーズンnstantly strive to provide safe and reliable products, services, and information that will meet customer expectations. We are determined to remain a nba シーズンmpany that always earns our customers’ trust.

Action Guidelnba シーズンes for Customer Satisfaction

We respond accurately and promptly to customer feedback and act nba シーズン good faith.
We respect the rights of customers and nba シーズンmply with all relevant laws, regulations and internal standards.
We actively provide customers with appropriate nba シーズンformation that is easy to understand.
Taking the customer’s perspective, we carry out our activities with due nba シーズンnsideration for fairness, transparency, ease, and responsiveness.
We take customer feedback seriously, share it nba シーズンternally, and utilize it appropriately.
We rigorously protect the personal nba シーズンformation of customers.

President’s Message Busnba シーズンess Areas nba シーズンrporate Philosophy nba シーズンrporate Profile History Research and Development Production Busnba シーズンess Sites Group nba シーズンmpanies Electronic Notices Basic Policy to
Ensure Customer Satisfaction