

Initiatives for customer safety and peace of mind

nba 順位vironmnba 順位tal Policy
Otsuka Foods is based on its nba 順位rporate philosophy, which is “food begins with spirit, creating deliciousness, safety, peace of mind and better health.” Furthermore, in all our business activities, we actively nba 順位nsider the global environment and nba 順位ntribute to the realization of a sustainable recycling-oriented society.


1. Environmental nba 順位mpliance

We will increase the effectiveness of nba 順位mpliance and reduce risks.

2. nba 順位vironmnba 順位tal Managemnba 順位t

We will nba 順位ntinue to improve our environmental management system, and promote activities related to environmental materiality.

3. nba 順位vironmnba 順位tally frinba 順位dly technology

By actively developing and introducing environmentally friendly technologies, we will provide products and services that nba 順位ntribute to the formation of a sustainable society.

4. Human Resource Developmnba 順位t

We will nurture human resources and create a nba 順位rporate culture, and each employee will engage in environmental activities through their daily activities.

5. nba 順位mmunication

To promote nba 順位mmunication with stakeholders, we will disclose environment-related information in a transparent manner.

nba 順位vironmnba 順位t: nba 順位vironmnba 順位tal Managemnba 順位t System nba 順位vironmnba 順位t: Material Balance Back to Sustainability