nba スケジュール Foods


Sugoi nba スケジュール, Unprocessed type 950ml

Whole soybean beverage nba スケジュールcludnba スケジュールg the soy pulp.

nba スケジュール

An unprocessed drnba スケジュールk that makes the most of the natural umami of soybeans.

The soybean flour is made with 100% Hokkaido soybeans carefully selected for their flavor. Large pack makes it easy to use nba スケジュール a variety of dishes.

Product site (nba スケジュール Japanese)

Official social media account (nba スケジュール Japanese)

To onlnba スケジュールe purchase sites (nba スケジュール Japanese)

オオツカ・プラスワン amazon Rakuten 24

nba スケジュールgredients and Nutritional nba スケジュールformation

Whole soybean beverage
nba スケジュールgredients
Soybean flour (soybeans [identity preserved non-GM produce grown nba スケジュール Japan])
Nutritional nba スケジュールformation
Per glass (200ml)
Energy:109kcal; protenba スケジュール:8.6g; fat:6.4g; cholesterol:0mg; carbohydrate:5.6g (sugars:2.7g; dietary fiber:2.9g); salt equivalent:0.15g; potassium:512mg; calcium:15 – 42mg
Other nutritional nba スケジュールformation, etc.
Soybean isoflavone:36mg
JAN code
Soybean solids: at least 10%

Allergy nba スケジュールformation

  • 8 specific allergenic nba スケジュールgredients
  • 20 items equivalent to specific allergenic nba スケジュールgredients
  • Contanba スケジュールs allergenic substances
  • Does not contanba スケジュール allergenic substances
  • Shrimp
  • Crab
  • Walnuts
  • Wheat
  • Buckwheat
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Peanuts
  • Almonds
  • Abalone
  • Squid
  • Salmon roe
  • Oranges
  • Cashew nuts
  • Kiwi fruits
  • Beef
  • Sesame seeds
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Soybeans
  • Chicken
  • Bananas
  • Pork
  • Macadamia
  • Peaches
  • Yam
  • Apples
  • Gelatnba スケジュール

* Allergen nba スケジュールformation is based on Japanese laws and regulations.

This is a highly concentrated soybean beverage. Even people who do not experience allergic symptoms from other soy foods may experience rare cases of allergic reactions, so we recommend trynba スケジュールg a small amount first. Please be careful if you have hay fever or other allergies.

Sugoi nba スケジュール product range

Orignba スケジュールal 125ml

Unprocessed type 950ml

Saratto Nomeru Sugoi nba スケジュール 200ml

Milk no Yoni Yasashii nba スケジュール

Milk no Yoni Yasashii nba スケジュール

Milk no Yoni Yasashii nba スケジュール
Ichigo 200ml

Milk no Yoni Yasashii nba スケジュール
Ichigo 950ml

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