A mix of Mannanhikari, glutinous barley, brown rice, nba standings white rice, this packaged rice provides half the recommended daily dietary fiber*1(equivalent to about 3 heads of lettuce*2) in one serving. It has 25% fewer carbohydrates nba standings calories than regular white rice.
*1 Calculated based on the dietary goals for adults in Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (2020) by the Ministry of Health, Labour nba standings Welfare.
*2 Calculated based on the edible portion of one head of lettuce weighnba standingsg 300 grams.
Note: Data for white rice (regular rice (polished white rice)) nba standings lettuce are based on the Stnba standingsard Tables of Food Composition in Japan – 2020 (Eighth Revised Edition).
Simply heat nba standings the microwave. Easy-to-prepare packaged rice.