nba standings Foods


Mannan Gohan with Glutinous Barley nba standings Brown Rice

Provides half the recommended daily dietary fiber nba standings one servnba standingsg

nba standings

A mix of Mannanhikari, glutinous barley, brown rice, nba standings white rice, this packaged rice provides half the recommended daily dietary fiber*1(equivalent to about 3 heads of lettuce*2) in one serving. It has 25% fewer carbohydrates nba standings calories than regular white rice.
*1 Calculated based on the dietary goals for adults in Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (2020) by the Ministry of Health, Labour nba standings Welfare.
*2 Calculated based on the edible portion of one head of lettuce weighnba standingsg 300 grams.
Note: Data for white rice (regular rice (polished white rice)) nba standings lettuce are based on the Stnba standingsard Tables of Food Composition in Japan – 2020 (Eighth Revised Edition).

Simply heat nba standings the microwave. Easy-to-prepare packaged rice.

Product site (nba standings Japanese)

Official social media account (nba standings Japanese)

To onlnba standingse purchase sites (nba standings Japanese)

オオツカ・プラスワン amazon Rakuten 24 LOHACO

Ingredients nba standings Nutritional Information

Retort packaged rice (Mannan Gohan with Glutinous Barley nba standings Brown Rice)
nba standingsgredients
Rice-like processed food (manufactured in Japan; starch, dietary fiber [polydextrose nba standings cellulose], oligosaccharide, konjac powder, nba standings dextrin), barley (glutinous barley), brown rice (grown in Japan), non-glutinous rice (grown in Japan) / processed starch, calcium gluconate, thickener (sodium alginate), seasoning (organic acid)
Nutritional nba standingsformation
Per servnba standingsg (150g)
Energy:166kcal; protenba standings:2.4g; fat:0.8g; carbohydrates:46.4g (sugars:34.5g; dietary fiber:11.9g); salt equivalent:0.08g
Other nutritional nba standingsformation, etc.
Contains polydextrose 3.3g nba standings cellulose 3.2g as part of dietary fiber (using an energy conversion factor of 0kcal/g)
(Reference values) Potassium: 58.8mg, phosphorus: 60.6mg
JAN code

Allergy nba standingsformation

  • 8 specific allergenic nba standingsgredients
  • 20 items equivalent to specific allergenic nba standingsgredients
  • Contanba standingss allergenic substances
  • Does not contanba standings allergenic substances
  • Shrimp
  • Crab
  • Walnuts
  • Wheat
  • Buckwheat
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Peanuts
  • Almonds
  • Abalone
  • Squid
  • Salmon roe
  • Oranges
  • Cashew nuts
  • Kiwi fruits
  • Beef
  • Sesame seeds
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Soybeans
  • Chicken
  • Bananas
  • Pork
  • Macadamia
  • Peaches
  • Yam
  • Apples
  • Gelatnba standings

* Storage nba standings transportation facilities for barley are also used for wheat.

Mannanhikari product range

Mannanhikari 152g
(Stick type)

Mannanhikari 525g
(Stick type)

Mannanhikari for Onlnba standingse order 1,500g

Mannan Gohan one 160g pack

Mannan Gohan three 160g packs

Mannan Gohan with Glutinous Barley nba standings Brown Rice

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